People are more likely to donate (or donate more!) if you explain the impact FLAG2GC has on Northern AZ. Let’s start with the basics…
Last year, FLAG2GC raised $100k for Toys for Tots (T4T), which in turn provided toys, books and educational items to thousands of children in Northern Arizona. That’s pretty awesome, huh? Turns out there is a high number of low-income families in Northern Arizona, including many on Indian Reservations. The primary goal of T4T is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.

Every $20 we raise allows T4T to provide a nice assortment of toys, books and smaller items for one child.
Fundraising tip: suggest donation amounts by the number of children supported, e.g. “Would you like to support 6 children with a $100 donation?”
Did you know that Flag2GC is T4T’s biggest fundraiser of the year? It represents 40 to 45% of their annual budget. This is critical because – as opposed to Phoenix, they do not have the infrastructure to accumulate toy donations – therefore, 85% of the gifts are purchased. According to Program Coordinator, Gary Smith, “It is only by raising funds and volunteerism that we are able to provide a Christmas for children who might not otherwise have one. We are extremely grateful for your longtime support!”
If you haven’t watched video of the Toy Drop by helicopter to the Havasupai Indian tribe, check it out. Better yet, include the link in the next fundraising email that you send.
Remember, every $20 we raise means T4T can support another deserving child at Christmas.
Ready for more? Check out “Learn the Flag2GC origin story and history“